Project Street Legal

Bo'neFly Motorsports and the West Coast Electric Drag Racing Association ... Present: "Project Street Legal"

Bo'neFly Motorsports and WCEDRA is pleased to collaborate with "Project Street Legal" as a proposed community policy partnership initiative. Our proactive goal is to reduce street racing and dangerous sideshows by promoting code enforcement sanctioned events with the assistance of elected city, county & state officials and positive community leaders.

We will commit to participate in engaging constructive debate forums throughout the country, speak to children, seniors, schools, racers, community leaders, developers, Law Enforcement Agencies and Public Officials. Our prudent commitment is overwhelmingly accessible to address ecological and environmental sustainability for alternative energy resources.

WCEDRA (West Coast Electric Drag Racing Association) is the newly formed west coast chapter of the International Electric Drag Racing Association. One of our many goals is the global education and the non-biased environmental impact benefits of alternative powered vehicles (e.g.: aircraft, aerospace, motorcycles, buses and cars), as well as, enhancing the viability of hybrid vehicles and the DIY electric vehicle conversions.

As steadfast advocates of ZERO emission vehicles we shall continue to develop the infrastructure of silent electric racing awareness and sustainability with the support of EAA (Electric Auto Association), Brotherhood of Street Racers, SEMA, Formula E, NEDRA, BDR (Black Drag Racers), AMA (American Motorcyclist Association), SCCA, IHRA and NHRA events.

Most notably, Bo'neFly Motorsports will always promote and showcases motorcycles, trucks, street legal dragsters and funnycars racing events in a safe confined environment. The showcases will definitely include rebuildable gas, nitro, hybrid powered vehicles and totally electric vehicle, as well as, create a rolling tour component in support of hotels, restaurants, machine shops, transporters and race tracks.

Bo'neFly Motorsports, WCEDRA and its associated IEDRA group, is the future of racing. Our goal is to represent and build-out the West Coast. We look forward to maintaining a positive collaboration with local, state and federal officials in support of this unique opportunity to drive at night and generate revenue for all inter-related businesses without the worries of impacting noise ordinance/restrictions, traffic safety concerns and illegal street racing.

Peace and much Bo'neFly LOve...

Stay informed...
